Peace Talks Occurring in Darfur to End Violence
The AU and UN hybrid mission to bring peace in
The situation in
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Every day across the globe the United Nations is empowering millions of people to build a better life for themselves, their family, their community, and our world. These are their stories in pictures and words.
The AU and UN hybrid mission to bring peace in
The situation in
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Categories Africa, Crisis Prevention and Recovery, United Nations
Google and many UN humanitarian aid agencies have now teamed up so that you can use Google Earth to look up the locations of aid distribution around the world. The UN High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) has now posted maps that show the refugee camps located in primarily Darfur, Iraq and Colombia.
This partnership is a tool to show Americans and the world the actual work that the United Nations is performing. It brings the work of humanitarian aid home.
This project is a continuance of a number of programs, in partnership with Google, that operate as tools to connect developed countries with the stories of people in developing countries and with the work that international organizations are performing. Such other projects include UNICEF's initiative to share children's stories on, a website where children from developing countries can record their journey and share it with the world.
To learn more about this:
Read the original news article:
Categories Education, Information Technology, private sector, UNHCR, United Nations
Ever wanted to know what happens within the United Nations Headquarters in
Ever wonder exactly what the UN does? Check out this great online flash video to find out 60 ways the UN is making a difference in our world.
There's also a pdf version.