Friday, June 27, 2008

UN Teaches Americans about Millennium Development Goals

Do you want to know more about the Millennium Development Goals? “Core Concepts of the MDGs,” an online course provided by the UN, seeks to delve deeper into educating Americans as to the origins, strategies, and hopes of the 8 MDGs. Eradicating extreme hunger and poverty, establishing universal primary education, empowering women and promoting gender equality, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing global partnerships for development. These goals were born when 189 world leaders met in 2000 to form the Millennium Declaration, and have been primary objectives of many UN organizations since their development.
Half-way through the 15 year time-span set for the MDGs achievement, great success has already been realized, but there is much more to be accomplished. This interactive and inspiring course includes messages from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and graphics which illustrate the implementation and urgency of the MDGs. It tests newly gained knowledge and encourages Americans’ involvement in the achievement of the MDGs, giving all of us a chance to have a share in the reduction of poverty, hunger, and inequality worldwide!

Take the course and learn more! Visit the link above