Tuesday, June 12, 2007

More on-the-ground help for South Sudan

Go local - this is the conventional wisdom behind development strategy. The UNDP takes this to heart when implementing projects in the field both by working with local partners and facilitating progress at the micro level.

Recently, the UNDP - working through its country office and with NGOs - has helped the local government of South Sudan set up 15 clinics to treat tuberculosis and test for HIV. 100 out of 1,000 South Sudanese are currently infected with TB and do not have access to health care. This is particularly frustrating because TB is easily curable with appropriate medical attention.

The UNDP, following a funding agreement last month, has also implemented training programs in local prisons to educate both warders and inmates about their rights, as well as the protocol for requesting and providing services.

Click here to watch two great videos on UNDP's work in South Sudan, as well as in several other African nations.