Friday, May 25, 2007

Rebuilding Southern Sudan

The UNDP and World Bank issued a joint grant of $5.3 million on May 22 to support the efforts of the police force and reorganize the prison system in Southern Sudan.

Under the agreement, the UNDP will construct a network of police stations and training centers, provide equipment, train police forces, and facilitate the development of a code of ethics to enhance professionalism in the force. As for the prisons, the UNDP will improve the infrastructure, provide equipment and facilitate reorganization and training to ensure more humane treatment of prisoners.

The substantial progress made by Southern Sudan since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005 is largely forgotten amidst the crisis in Darfur, despite positive reconstruction measures undertaken by the UNDP. A more ample view of the situation in Sudan will be necessary if a holistic approach to rebuilding the country is to be adopted in the future.

For more detailed information see the UN Mission in Sudan News Bulletin.